Customer Service KPI Examples The 12 KPI Metrics You Need to Track!

10 Essential Customer Service Metrics & KPIs

customer support kpis

Vital customer service metrics offer a genuine peek into the mechanics of how you engage with customers. They present clear, uncolored data, setting the stage for evaluating the efficacy of your customer interactions. Without these metrics, it becomes a guessing game about what’s working and what’s not. For example, Front measures crucial support KPIs including email volume, CSAT score, resolution time, and response as other email trends for each rep or across your entire team. This data is accessible via customizable analytics reports you can use to make crucial decisions like when to hire, whether training is needed, and how many staff to have on shift. Total breaches measure the total support tickets that didn’t meet service level agreements (SLAs).

customer support kpis

The cost of replacing employees (recruiting, training and onboarding) is huge and any time you have a new agent, there is potential for inconsistency and other metrics to slide. Clear communication is critical to any business, especially when it comes to your goals. Key performance indicators are a powerful way to rally your customer service team around a common finish line, measure meaningful success, and boost morale. Lean on your contact center metrics to find the average number of unresolved issues in the queue each day, week, or month.

Top 12 support KPIs for better customer service

With the help of the NPS score, you can know how likely your customers are to recommend you to their friends and relatives. NPS replies are less influenced by the customer’s mood unlike CSAT that aims at emotion, not the intention. Say, if your website had 200,000 visitors and 10,000 conversions last month, your conversion rate is 10%. Collaborate with your customers in a video call from the same platform. Nurture and grow your business with customer relationship management software.

In this case, it is divided by standard and special requests and tracked on a weekly basis. It is a valuable practice to monitor these two separately as standard requests usually take less time to be resolved than special ones. This is due to the fact that businesses usually have processes in place for common customer issues. The graph also includes trend lines for both types of requests so you can easily understand when a value is higher than it is supposed to be and can dig deeper into the reasons. Customer service operations are often facilitated by software platforms or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. These  log various metrics like response times, interaction durations, and resolutions.

Your toolkit for strategy success

Having a large volume of tickets may look good on the surface, but underneath it may be indicative of a problem. You may be having issues with your products or services; hence, many customers are complaining and reaching out to you. Useful as KPIs are, organizations are not advised to measure anything and everything that moves. In fact, managers have to be selective on which areas have to be measured to avoid unnecessary expenses and costly distractions. Analysis is required in both identifying and extracting insights from KPIs to truly make them work for critical departments like customer support and marketing. Thankfully, these identifiers are already accounted for by customer support software and other relevant solutions as part of their built-in reporting and analytics features.

customer support kpis

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